It will never join in the game, pretty much no longer how long I wait. Then it gives me the same bullshit as before and leaves me waiting forever. So I do it, it's downloaded, and I click "play" immediately after. Then, with the roblox "player" still open on my taskbar, on the actual Roblox page itself it tells me "Download and Install Roblox", giving me the option to do so.

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Use the pinned thread for any non-scripting support questions.It's okay to tag questionable items as NSFW. Don't post provocative/callouts for other devs or users.Don't post any trading posts and any 'help wanted' posts looking for scripters/builders/etc.Don't post anything from our 'Repeated Submissions' list.Follow our self-promotion rules if you wish to post your own content.Only post content relevant to Roblox or this subreddit.Submissions that do not fit within the above threads can be posted by themselves. Roblox Creator Challenge (Three free hats) That's why we create megathreads to help keep everything organized and tidy. When Roblox events come around, the threads about it tend to get out of hand. Our current header image is from this game here! Roblox is a game creation platform/game engine that allows users to design their own games and play a wide variety of different types of games created by other users.