INGAME SETTINGS! Toggle worlds directly ingame without tediously editing the config and restarting/reload the server!.Everything in the config file can be customized. YOUR SERVER, YOUR RULES! Change messages, adjust values and more.BYPASS PERMISSIONS! Deactivated worlds should be ignored? Simply activate the bypass and give the permissions to a player!.This means that features can be enabled/disabled individually for each player/group.

PERMISSIONS SYSTEM! There is a large permission system available which can be activated.WORLD TOGGLE! It is possible to select for each world whether AntiCooldown is active in it or not.PLACEHOLDERS! AntiCooldown offers placeholders for the PlaceholderAPI, with which the cooldown status of players or the world can be displayed.It can also be used as a whitelist so that only the cooldown of these items is deactivated. ITEM RESTRICTION! The cooldown can be temporarily deactivated for items.CUSTOM ITEM DAMAGE! Damage can be overwritten for each item, including the new Netherite tools and weapons!.REMOVE ATTACK PARTICLES! The new attack particles (including the sweep attack particles) can be removed.DISABLE NEW ATTACK SOUNDS! The newly added attack sounds can be deactivated.REMOVES SWEEP ATTACK! Can remove the Sweep-Attack and does not harm other mobs in the immediate vicinity!.OLD WEAPON DAMAGE! Can easily overwrite the damage of all weapons and tools at any time, without NBT editing!.PVP COOLDOWN REMOVAL! Removes the PvP-Cooldown that exists since 1.9.